Refactor your AFK interface

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a complete geek. When I find something that interests me I’ll go down the rabbit hole 100%, no matter how little it might interest others.

This quirk stretches beyond the world of development and technology and it’s taken me somewhere else entirely for the last couple of years.

I used to be quite heavy – obese, in fact – until I decided to take control and get back into health. One thing led to another and three and a half years later I’m now a complete fitness geek, working out and doing martial arts up to seven days a week.

And I absolutely love it! I have never felt this good in my life.

I’ve spent countless of hours and loads of money, studying nutrition, improving the way I train and learning how to coach others. Now I want to help others improve their life and sharpen their primary interface with this world – their bodies.

In that spirit, meet my newest project:!
